On Thursday I went to collect my race number, timing chip and kitbag from the London Marathon Expo; an experience which wasn't quite what I was expecting, being more commercial than inspirational, but nonetheless, it confirmed that no mistake had been made, I really am entered to run this thing, with a number and everything.
I am just £100 away from meeting my fundraising target for Crisis, so if you haven't donated yet but have been reading these diary entries, maybe you could hand over a few quid? http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/nikidjlondon2015 . I promise you that every penny is going to a really worthwhile cause - if I had to spend even one night sleeping out in the conditions I've seen in the area round King's Cross where I work, I'd be a wreck. I have no idea how people manage to do it night after night, and bluntly, they shouldn't have to. Crisis is advocating for people who can't advocate for themselves, and their work is vital.
If you want to track my progress tomorrow, you can use my race number, 9001, on the tracker app https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/london-marathon/id978343907?mt=8 or the London Marathon website. If you're coming to watch, then definitely check the spectator information on the website too.
It's very weird knowing that this time tomorrow I'll hopefully be nearing the finish line. After four months of training, it feels like it's been both a long time coming and no time at all.
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