What makes the difference between a great run and a really-quite-rubbish run? Is it a million little things that are barely discernible to the human eye? Maybe a bit of work stress, naughty foxes hanging out outside your bedroom window at night, that lump of cheese you ate this afternoon? Who knows?
Tonight was only seven miles - the route I so enjoyed last week, but with just one extra mile added. For some reason, or none, it felt SO HARD! This is the sort of distance I have been super comfortable with for years, way before this marathon training lark began.
It's quite a challenging course, with lots of hills - but my 'medium' runs are supposed to be harder than the long ones. Tonight it just felt like Too Much. I hit a real slump about halfway around, and even 'had' to do some run-walk-run-walk intervals going uphill. I say 'had' because there was no real reason for it except that my legs felt really heavy.
At one point, I could have taken a shortcut that would have lopped the last couple of miles off my route. I seriously considered it and paused for a second at the crossroads while I thought about it. Happily, in the end, I didn't. While they were by no means glorious miles, I at least completed the requisite number of miles.
I'm always telling my new-to-running friends that you can't expect an upward trajectory every single time, don't be disheartened, etc. I know this is true. But this is marathon training, dude - I'm supposed to be taking it up a notch!
Well. It will be better next time, hopefully.
I was embarrassingly happy to get home to a hot bath and 'Where D'You Go, Bernadette?'. The latter is as good as everyone says; I really recommend it.
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